Managed Repeat Prescriptions – changing from 2nd September 2024

From the 2nd September 2024 we will no longer be managing repeat prescriptions for patients.

Patients will need to order their own medications.

Below is a list of the various ways that this can be done, and some guidelines to help.

1.     Online via the Surgery website

2.     Via the NHS App.

3.     By ticking the medications required on the white prescription repeat slip and placing it in the post box which is in the Surgery foyer. We also have a letterbox in the staff door near the rear staff carpark for use when the surgery is closed.

4.     By filling out one of our prescription request forms.

5.     By sending a request through the post.

A friend or relative can order on your behalf by using one of the above methods.

Mediation requests should be submitted no more than 7 days before that are required.